Sunday, December 27, 2009

Vegetarians and Pregnancy

If you are a Vegetarian Hot Mama who is pregnant, planning on getting pregnant, or nursing, your days of living on rice cakes and grilled cheese sandwiches may need to be put on hold. Special considerations for Pregnant Hot Mamas need to be considered.

1. Make sure you are getting enough protein. Dietary needs for protein increase considerably during pregnancy and lactation. Quality protein is necessary for building strong and healthy muscles, organs, and tissue for your developing fetus and baby. Good sources of protein include whey protein powder, vegetarian wheat meat such as seitan, organic cottage cheese, greek yogurt such as Fage and Oikos, tempeh, and legumes such as lenitils and black beans.

2. If you are a vegan and do not include cold water fish in your diet, you may be deficient in Omega-3's which are vital for optimal fetal brain growth and development. Make sure to add omega-3 rich walnuts, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil to your diet. I would also highly recommend adding an omega-3 supplement to your diet as this is such a crucial nutrient for your baby's developing brain.

3. Vegans are almost always deficient in vitamin B-12, which can cause anemia. Vitamin B-12 is only present in animal protein. If you are a vegan, be sure to supplement with vitamin B-12.

4. Other nutrients that are also usually deficient in vegetarians include zinc and iron. Adding lots of green leafy vegetables to your diet with some lemon juice squeezed on them will increase the rate of iron absorption. Pumkin seeds are a tasty snack and are also high in zinc. Supplementing both iron and zinc is advised.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lo-Carb Pumpkin Pie Recipe

Lo-Carb Crust-less Pumpkin Pie Recipe

If you are a Hot Mama trying to shed those post-baby pounds, overindulging in a huge Thanksgiving meal can cancel out a week’s worth of sweating on the treadmill! Yikes! To avoid this potentially way ward moment on the Friday morning scale, I suggest sticking to skinless turkey breast sans gravy, baked sweet potatoes, and loading up on salad and vegetables. To avoid eyeing the 800-calorie per slice pecan pie, I am arming you with a recipe for a Crust-less Pumpkin Pie that is less than 100 calories per serving, lo-carb, and full of skin nourishing vitamins A and C. The best part is that it’s a cinch to make!


1 large can Libby pumpkin

1 cup unsweetened vanilla Almond Milk (40 calories)

5 packets Truvia sweetener (splenda can be substituted)

2 scoops Vanilla Whey Protein Powder

1 tsp. salt

1 tsp. cinnamon

1 tbl. Vanilla extract

Place all ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth.

Bake in a glass pie-pan for 30 minutes at 350 degrees.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Leanest Cuts of Red Meat

Many of my Hot Mama clients report craving red meat during pregnancy, sometimes even if they were vegetarians prior to pregnancy. When you are fully in tuned with your body, it will usually tell you what it needs. If you are craving food with no nutrient value such as sugar, white flour, or soda, there is usually an imbalance in the body. However, if you are a Hot Mama who all of a sudden can't wait to get her hands on a juice steak, your body (and baby) may be putting in an order for some extra iron and amino acids.

Before you head to the local drive-through, check out the list of lower fat cuts of meat that I've compiled for you below. Also, when ordering a steak at a restaurant, beware! Most meat in restaurants (especially the finer establishments) is soaked in butter prior to cooking which accounts for a more tender, flavorful, and fat-ladden piece of meat.

1. Lean cuts of beef include round, chuck, sirloin, or tenderloin. Choose beef that is labeled "choice" or "select" and avoid the higher fat "prime".

2. When buying ground beef at the supermarket, look for packages with the highest percentage of lean meat (ninety percent or better). I recommend making hamburgers at home when you have control over the cleanliness of the meat and your kitchen. Most e-coli outbreaks have come from hamburger eaten at fast food restaurants, fairs, and restaurants. Most hamburgers at these establishments are made from beef with the highest fat percentages.

3. Don't be fooled if it's a turkey burger! Unless the turkey burger comes from all white meat turkey, it will have just as much fat in it as a regular hamburger. Ground turkey often contains the skin and dark meat.

4. Try a bison burger! Bison is the leanest red meat on the market and is not full of questionable anti-biotics and hormones.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Vitamin D, best natural protection against swine flu in pregnancy

If you are a pregnant Hot Mama or a Hot Mama with a new baby, the possibility of contracting the swine flu is not a happy thought. Pregnant women are more at risk because if they contract the flu, it is a much stronger and potentially more dangersous virus. In my past blog, I wrote about my apprehensions about the swine flu vaccine, due to the fact that it contains thimerosol. Thimerosol is a mercury containing perservative used in some vaccines. While the research is inconlusive about the damaging effects of mercury exposure on a developing baby's brain, there are many healthcare professionals who strongly believe that there is a definite link between autism and mercury exposure.

If you are a Hot Mama who has made the choice not to get vaccinated, there is new evidence that Vitamin D offers significant protection against the Swine Flu. Vitamin D is a powerful immune booster and has shown to fight several germs, including viruses and bacteria. In one study, it was shown that Americans with the lowest vitamin D levels were 40% more likely to have reported respiratory infection than those with normal levels.

How does a Hot Mama get enough Vitamin D? Unfortunately, it is very difficult to get enough vitamin D from food. The skin absorbs vitamin D if exposed to the sun without sunblock. If you are trying to prevent premature aging and skin cancer and are wearing sunblock with at least an SPF of 15, 99% of all Vitamin D will be blocked. Also, if you are a Hot Mama living in the upper half of the United States from November-March, it is impossible to get enough vitamin D even if you are sunbathing sans clothing or sunblock.

I recommend that my Hot Mama's take a supplement that contains somewhere between 400-1000 IU of Vitamin D a day. This amount is safe for pregnant women. Vitamin D levels can easily be tested by your doctor. If you are deficient, your doctor or nutritionist may want you to take more. Make sure you don't overdose on Vitamin D, however. Taking too much for too long can be toxic.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Postpartem depression and natural cures

If you are a Hot-Mama with the post baby blues, here are some ideas that may lift your mood without having to resort to taking anti-depressants:

1. Eat animal based omega-3 rich foods such as salmon and sardines regularly. If fish is not your thing, try a supplement like krill oil which has not been contaminated with pcb's. Omega-3 fat supports healthy brain function and a deficiency can lead to depression and anxiety.

2. Exercise! Studies have shown exercise to be as effective in treating depression as prescription anti-depressants. Remember, the best time to exercise is when you don't feel like it!

3. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread, commercial breakfast cereals, crackers, cakes, and white pasta. Over-eating sugar and carbohydrates causes a drastic rise and drop in blood sugar levels, which can seem like an emotional roller-coaster. Sugar is the first thing we want to eat when we are over tired, so do your best to rest when you are tired and take naps when your baby is napping.

4. Get outside for at least twenty minutes a day. Being exposed to the sun is necessary for the production of serotonin in your brain which is the "feel good" neuro-transmiter. Sun exposure also insures that you are getting enough vitamin D. Studies have shown that vitamin D deficiency can lead to depression and moodiness. If you are unable to spend enough time in the sun, take a quality vitamin D supplement daily.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Eat fiber, lose weight

Want to lose weight post-baby, prevent excessive weight gain during pregnancy, prevent painful hemorroids while pregnant, control blood sugar?

The secret is FIBER. While not a sexy topic of conversation, read on. All you have to lose is inches from your waist and numbers from your cholesterol reading.

Why do we need fiber?

Fiber is especially important for the following:

- reducing the risk of colon and rectal cancer by permitting carcinogens in food to pass more quickly through the intestinal tract

- helping to regulate blood glucose levels in diabetes and in those who are trying to regulate their blood sugar for weight loss purposes

- helping prevent cardiovascular disease

- helping prevent and treat diverticulosis, constipation, and hemorrhoids

- helps to satisfy appetite by creating a feeling of fullness (feeling full = eating less = weight loss)

- has a cholesterol lowering effect

Most Americans do not get enough fiber. How much is enough? The National Cancer Institute recommends 25 to 35 grams of fiber daily. If you are not accustomed to eating that much fiber, increase your intake gradually. Too much too soon can lead to intestinal cramps, bloating and yes, gas.

All vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and legumes have fiber. Animal products do not have any. Most of the fiber in fruits and vegetables is in the skin. Fruit and vegetable juices are usually striped of all fiber. To add more fiber to your diet, eat vegetables and fruits with their skins, whole grain cereals, whole grain breads, beans, peas, and nuts.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lose weight with shakes post baby

Trying to lose those last few pounds post baby? No time to eat breakfast? Making a nutritious, low calorie shake may be the answer. Foods that contain liquid such as shakes and soup are very weight loss friendly. These types of foods are very filling. Studies have shown that the sense of satiety isn't the same unless the liquid is actually part of the food. Eating a turkey sandwich and drinking a large glass of water is not as filling as having a large bowl of veggie turkey soup. The veggie turkey soup actually has less calories!

A shake can be a great breakfast on the run, a snack, or even a meal replacement for a busy new mother. Oftentimes the act of feeding your baby gets in the way of taking the time to feed yourself! All shakes are not created equal, however. I recommend making your shakes yourself instead of visiting a smoothie shop. Many of the shakes at smoothie shops are just dessert in a cup and can contain up to 1200 calories.

Here is my favorite low-calorie, anti-oxidant and protein rich shake:

1 cup original flavor Almond Milk (40-60 calories)
1 cup mixed berries
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (should be about 100 calories)
1 tbsp stevia or truvia for extra sweetness (splenda can be used instead, but I prefer stevia)

This whole shake has about 230 calories and should keep you full for several hours!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Best iphone app for weight loss post baby

As a nutritionist, I often hear complaints of, "I think I am doing everything right and I still can't lose weight!" In this instance, the first thing I tell my clients to do is to keep a food journal. The act of writing down everything that is passing your lips completely eliminates unconscious eating.I have found that even if a client is given a specific diet plan, most find themselves "grazing" on other food and not even remembering that they did so. For a Hot Mama with a new baby, the act of keeping a food journal can be more than challenging in her hectic, sleep deprived schedule. If you are a Hot Mama with an iphone, the ap "Lose It" is just the solution. This ap logs your food intake and daily exercise. It creates a calorie plan based on your age, gender, height, and the amount of weight that you want to lose each week. It even tracks your weight loss progess and diplays your nutrient intake for the day. Better yet, this app is free! Note: If you are breastfeeding, you will want to adjust your calories up 500 per day and only aim for a loss of one pound per week. Adequate calorie and nutrient intake is crucial for nourishing your baby and maintaining your ability to produce milk.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sleep and post pregnancy weight loss

Exercising and eating healthy and still can't lose that last ten baby weight pounds? Not getting enough zzz's may be the culprit. Numerous studies have shown that women who sleep five hours or less a night weigh more than women who get at least seven hours of sleep. These studies take into account exercise and calorie intake; both being equal in each group. Lack of sleep may decrease metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned at rest) and increases cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels have been linked to weight gain (especially around the middle). Getting enought sleep can be particularly challenging for a new mother, but it may be an easier and less expensive solution than hiring a personal trainer, buying the next clothes a size, or losing your mind as your weight loss attempts just seem futile! Here are some tips for my Hot Mamas in need of a decent night's rest:

1. Enlist the help of Daddy. You spent nine months of pregnancy without the comforts of a glass of wine, your favorite sushi, and being able to take a gosh darn aspirin when you had a headache, not to mention the "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" experience of delivery so that you both can have a beautiful, healthy baby. It's time for Daddy to step up. If your baby is waking up in three hour intervals, let Daddy take one shift a night.

2. Avoid caffeine after noon, no matter how tired you are. Grit it out and go to sleep earlier.

3. Make sure you are sleeping in a very dark room without any flashing lights such as computer screens, televisions, or flashing phones or clocks. Light inhibits the release of melatonin, which is the hormone that helps you fall asleep. Watching television or surfing the net before bed is a no no.

4. If you can afford it, hire a night nurse for a few nights a week.

5. As tired as you may feel, try to keep up some type of exercise program. Exercise is a great sleep aid.

6. Take naps. A great time to catch up on sleep is when your baby is sleeping.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Lactose Intolerance and Pregnancy

Lactose Intolerance and Pregnancy

Hot Mamas who are lactose intolerant have a particularly difficult time getting the recommended 1,000-1,200 mg. of calcium a day. Why worry about getting enough calcium? Have you ever observed a woman who is hunched over with bad teeth? Not very Hot, indeed. Adequate calcium intake is imperative for healthy teeth and bones. If the body isn’t getting enough calcium, it takes pulls it from the bones. Bone loss leads to osteoporosis and a predisposition towards chipping and breaking teeth. The likelihood of this scenario is even greater in pregnant and nursing women. As your baby is growing both in and out of the womb, his or her teeth and bones are developing. If you are not getting enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones to adequately nourish your baby. Since dairy products provide the greatest source of calcium, getting enough is particularly challenging for those who are lactose intolerant. Never fear, follow this list and you will be walking tall with all of your teeth intact way into Hot Mama maturity.

1. Take a calcium supplement that also contains magnesium and vitamin D, which aid absorption. Calcium citrate is more easily absorbed and is well tolerated by those whose tummies may become irritated by calcium supplements. As the body can only absorb about 600mgs of calcium at one time, split your dose between breakfast and dinner. One brand that I particularly like is Blue Bonnet. It comes in liquid form, which is better absorbed and tastes great!

2. Make sure you are getting adequate vitamin D. Spending 20 minutes a day in direct sunlight without sun protection is a good way to get your vitamin D. Egg yolks and salmon are also good sources.

3. Eat calcium rich foods such as canned salmon or sardines with bones, sesame seeds, almonds, and green leafy vegetables such as collards, kale, and broccoli.

4. Eat dairy alternatives such as fortified coconut milk, almond cheese, and coconut based yogurt. These products can be found at your local health food store, Whole Foods, and Trader Joes. (Avoid soy products.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Soy and Infertility

Most Hot Mamas who are trying to eat healthfully have experimented with soy whether eating a boca burger for lunch or ordering a soy latte at Starbucks. If you have been eating a lot of soy derrived foods such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy cheese, soy protein bars and shakes, and soy ice cream and are having touble conceiving, ditching the soy may be helpful. Studies have shown that the phytoestrogens in soy may cause inferitlity in both men and women. For women, the excess estrogen like compounds from soy may interfere with our hormones and make us less likely to conceive. Studies have also shown that soy products lower testosterone levels in men, leading to temporary infertility as well. Once men get off of soy products, their testosterone levels go back to normal within a week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Avoid soy during pregnancy

Avoid Soy during Pregnancy

The soy that we are consuming is not the same soy that is consumed in Asia. Many of the studies done on the health benefits of soy have been in comparing a traditional Japanese diet to a typical American diet. The Japanese consume a large quantity of soy products and they have a lower incidence of prostate cancer, heart disease, and fewer menopausal symptoms. The majority of the soy that Asians are consuming is in the form of fermented soy such as tofu, tempeh, and miso. Unlike most soy grown in the United States, Asian soy is not genetically modified either.

Studies have shown that the phytoestrogens present in soy can have hormonal influences that can have negative health consequences on infants. Hot Mamas who are trying to make healthy choices for themselves and their babies, should avoid eating too much soy especially in the more processed forms such as soy milk, soy protein bars, soy protein shakes, and low-carb breads and pastas (soy is often added to these products to lower the carb count). If you are a Hot Vegetarian Mama and soy is a staple in your diet, try to consume organic (not genetically modified) and fermented soy products such as tofu and tempeh. Another vegetarian “meat” alternative is seitan. Seitan is made from the protein of wheat. It is a low carb, high protein alternative to wheat. Seitan can be used as a meat substitute in stir-fry, can be barbequed, and can be eaten as a burger. Seitan is not appropriate for those who have celiac disease are who are allergic or sensitive to wheat.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is feverfew safe while pregnant

Hot Mamas, beware! In researching the safety of Botox and pregnancy (not recommended), I have come across many sites (and doctors) that are recommending the use of feverfew as a safe alternative for the prevention of migraines. This is false information! I have done extensive research on the safety and effectiveness of herbs because I frequently use them in my practice as a Nutritionist. Feverfew is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Feverfew can cause uterine contractions which increase one's risk for miscarriage or early labor. The safety of feverfew for breastfeeding women is unknown so it is best avoided.

Is botox safe while pregnant

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, most doctors recommend staying clear of Botox injections. To date, there isn't conclusive evidence that Botox crosses the placenta and harms a developing fetus. However, tests done on rats and rabbits have linked high levels of injectible botox to birth defects especially if administered during the first trimester when birth defects are more likely to occur. For Hot Mamas who are worried about keeping their frown lines invisible while pregnant, mother nature will take care of that for you. One of the natural beauty benefits of pregnancy is a wrinkle free face. Although excess fluid retention may have a Hot Mama a bit exasperated while trying to fit into pre-pregnancy jeans, this extra fluid will do wonders for one's face. My advice, save the extra money that you would have spent for Botox during the next year and treat yourself to a pore-cleaning facial instead. Your skin will have that clean, glowing look for weeks afterwards. Also, put yourself on a frowning diet for the next nine months. If we could just ban frowing from our faces forever, the need for Botox would be obsolete! Hot Mamas, go out there and smile your way to a more beautiful face, more spending money, and maybe even cheerier moods!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weight loss recipies, salmon cakes

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of pregnant and nursing Hot Mamas to get enough DHA. Today, I have a delicious recipe for Salmon Cakes that are easy to make, delicious, rich in DHA omega 3, and won't pack on any extra pounds. In fact, if you are a Hot Mama trying to lose a little baby fat, this is a great low-calorie, nutrient dense meal for you also.

Sweet Potato Salmon Cakes

8 oz. canned salmon (preferably wild) (can be bought at cosco and whole foods)

2 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and steamed for 30 minutes) Mash when done

1 medium onion and 2 cloves of garlic sauté in 1 tbl. Olive Oil

¼ cup whole wheat bread crumbs (Whole Foods)

3 egg whites

½ cup fresh dill

salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Form salmon cakes into flat patties, approximately 3 inches in diameter. Cook in a non-stick pan until golden brown.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

DHA may be the most important nutrient for brain growth and development during pregnancy and lactation. It is from Omega-3 fat and is found mostly in fish. Getting enough DHA can be a challenge while pregnant because our fish supply has become contaminated with mercury. Pregnant women are only advised to eat 2 6oz. servings of fish a week. Salmon and sardines are especially high in DHA and are not on the “avoid” list of high mercury containing fish. Fish to avoid completely during pregnancy include Shark, Tilefish, Swordfish, and King Mackerel. How is a Hot Mama to get enough DHA? Take a supplement, plain and simple. Most pre-natal vitamins do not have DHA added, so you must get thee to a vitamin shop and start taking DHA in supplement form. Eating flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, although high in omega-3, is not a sufficient source of DHA. Your body has to convert the omega- 3 fatty acid from flaxseed into DHA and this conversion isn’t very efficient.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How soon after delivery can you do ab exercises

How soon after delivery can I do ab exercises?

If you had a C-section, your abdominal muscles were cut and need ample time to heal. This usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. Your doctor will let you know when you are ready to begin working your abs at your follow-up appointment. If you had a vaginal delivery, you should wait 4 to 8 weeks depending on the individual. About eighty percent of women who have delivered a baby have a gap in the abdominal muscles from pregnancy and delivery. It takes several weeks for this gap to close and beginning a strenuous abdominal exercise program too soon can cause damage to the tissue of your midsection. Hot Mamas, don’t fret! The flat abs of your dreams can be yours soon enough. A little patience goes a long way. Beginning to crunch your way silly when your ab muscles haven’t had adequate time to heal will only set you back further. Begin a walking program as soon as your doctor says it is safe, eat healthfully and mindfully, stay clear of the junk that goes right to the trunk, and hold on to your patience. Flat, toned abs of days past are in your future! Stay tuned as I outline the most effective ab exercises once you’ve crossed that 8 week mark…

Monday, October 12, 2009

Best Exercise Postpartum

So you’ve just given birth and you want to start working that baby fat off but you know that hitting the gym full force is probably not such a wise idea, what should a Hot Mama do first? Walk!!! Even if you have had a C-section, light walking is a safe, effective, budget friendly way to relieve stress, burn extra calories, and embark on your post-baby fitness program. Walking at an easy pace promotes healing and helps prevent complications from a C-section such as blood clots. The key to a beginning a walking program is to not over do it, especially if you had a difficult birth or a C-section. If you had a C-section, your doctor will want you to wait 6-8 weeks before beginning a more vigorous exercise program. If you had a vaginal delivery and you are feeling up to it, you can begin a walking program within a week of delivery and can gradually ramp up the intensity as you feel up to it. Joints and ligaments remain loose for 3-5 months after delivery. This puts Postpartum Hot Mamas at a greater risk for injury, which is why it’s even more important to slowly ramp up to a more vigorous exercise program one-baby step at a time. If you are feeling good, each week you can either increase the intensity of your workouts or the duration. Try not to increase both intensity and duration at the same time. Hot Mamas find your walking shoes and get out there and burn that baby fat off! Your hot pants await….

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alternatives to Hydroquinone while pregnant

Alternatives to Hydroquinone while pregnant or breast-feeding

The safety of Hydroquinone is questionable for the average Babe looking to get rid of discoloration from too much time at the beach. And for a pregnant or nursing Hot Mama, stay clear! Hydroquinone is classified as Category C for pregnancy by the FDA meaning that it’s use may cause harm to the fetus in the form of malformations. The company who manufactures the drug does not recommend its use for pregnant or lactating women. Hydroquinone is used in many topical creams to correct or reduce hyper-pigmentation and brown spots on the face. Obaji, Guinot, DDF, Reviva, and many other popular brands of face cream offer skin lightening creams with Hydroquinone as one of it’s ingredients. If you are pregnant or nursing, check your bathroom cabinets pronto! Read the ingredient list of any product that is used for lightening the skin and check for Hydroquinone.

Unfortunately, hyper-pigmentation is even more common in pregnant hotties and can take the form of melasma or “pregnancy mask”. Never fret, Hot Mamas, I have composed a list of safe and effective alternatives to Hydroquinone.

First, use sun block with an SPF of at least 30! Daily application of sun block will prevent both pre-mature aging (a curse word!) and lower the odds developing melasma.

Second, look for products containing Kojic Acid or Azelaic Acid. Both of these substances are effective, safe, and more natural. Two products that I recommend to my Hot Mamas are DDF Intensive Holistic Lightener and Donnel Super Skin Lightening Gel. Both of these products contain Kojic Acid and Azelic Acid and are Hydorquinone free.

Third, apply a topical vitamin C product which helps suppress pigment. Skinceuticals Phytocorrective Gel is a good choice.

As a last resort, once you have your baby and are finished nursing, have a dermatologist do a chemical peel. It will take that melasma or other brown spots right off!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Prevent stretch marks while pregnant

Stretch marks, ugh! Those unsightly little white lines that all Hot Mamas dread when pregnant....

The bad news is that most women get them during pregnancy. The good news is that I've compiled a list of what you can do for both prevention and treatment once you have them.

For Preventing Stretch Marks:
1. Do not gain excess weight! The more the skin stretches, the more stretch marks there will be! Stick to your exercise program and continue eating a balanced diet. Rapid and/or excessive weight gain are the number one no-no for prevention.

2. Moisturize your belly with either cocoa butter or almond oil with vitamin E twice daily.

3. Drink water and avoid dehydration. Well hydrated skin stretches better.

4. Eat zinc rich foods such as seeds and nuts or make sure your prenatal vitamin is rich in zinc. Zinc is a skin nourishing mineral.

For Fading Stretch Marks:
1. Apply a Vitamin K cream daily and eat vitamin K rich foods such as green leafy vegetables and tomatoes. Vitamin K is extremely effective at healing scars, stretch marks, and skin lesions.

2. Apply Lavender Oil on Stretch Marks daily. This can be found at your local health food store.

3. Try the product Strivectin-D. (This is the more expensive treatment than option 1 or 2, but many Hot Mamas have reported good results.)

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Warning! Retin-a and Tazorac while pregnant

Warning!! Tazorac and Retin-a While Pregnant

If you once had acne, the prescriptions tazorac, retin-a, and renova can become your new best friend. They definitely fight pimples and acne like nobodies business! But…Hot Mamas, if you are pregnant or are trying to get pregnant, you need a product makeover for the next nine months!!! Tazorac is a class X drug, meaning that it is not recommended for use in pregnant women because of the risk for birth defects. The company recommends that anyone trying to become pregnant not use their product. The topical ointment Tretinoin (brand names Retin-a and Renova) seems to be a bit less risky than Tazorac, but studies have shown that it’s use poses a 3-5% risk of birth defects. The makers of Tretinoin advise women trying to conceive to stop using the product one-month prior. (Tretinoin stays in the body for about seven days after use.)

As an alternative, over the counter products containing glycolic acid and salicylic acid are safe before, during, and after pregnancy and are extremely effective at keeping your skin clear and glowing. They help dry up oily skin and promote skin renewal.

Also, make sure to wash your face with anti-bacterial soap after hitting the gym, a day at the beach, or a walk in the summer humidity. Your body releases toxins when you sweat; which is why sweating is so essential to being a Hot Mama! However, if this sweat isn’t washed off your face the bacteria can clog your pores and lead to break outs. If you don’t have access to antibacterial soap and a sink, carry some anti-bacterial facial wipes with you. There are many inexpensive brands at your local drug store to choose from.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Prevent autism while pregnant

Autism can be one of the scariest words for an expecting Hot Mama. To date, the causes of autism seem to be a combination of both genetic and environmental factors. We are not geneticists here, so we are going to give you the most recent info on implicated cleaning supplies and other toxins, how to avoid them, and a list of natural alternatives.

First and foremost, make sure you are taking folic acid. Adequate maternal folic acid levels are crucial to ensure normal development of a fetus’ brain.

Second, avoid Mercury, a toxic metal, which has been found in abnormally high levels in the blood of children with autism. Dangerously high levels of mercury are found in fish such as shark, swordfish, and mackerel. Avoid these fish while pregnant. Also, limit your intake of all other fish to two servings per week.

AVOID common cleaning supplies containing phthalates and glycol ethers. Phthalates are a class of synthetic chemicals that are used to both stabilize synthetic smells in products such as air fresheners and are also used to make plastics flexible and soft in products such as teething rings! (Just criminal!) Stay away from anything with labels such as “fresh scent” such as laundry detergent, air fresheners, and other cleaning supplies.

INSTEAD use natural cleaning products such as Baby Ganics, Mrs. Meyers, and Greenworks.

INSTEAD use BPA free teething rings, bottles, and sippy cups.

AVOID fluoride in toothpaste and in water. Fluoride has been implicated as a neurotoxin.

INSTEAD drink bottled water and use toothpaste and mouthwash without fluoride such as Tom's of Maine.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Are sit-ups safe while pregnant?

During your first trimester, you can continue doing ab exercises however you gosh darn well please, be it sitting, lying down, on a ball, standing up, etc. After your first trimester, things get a little trickier and you have to get a bit more creative to work your abs. After your first trimester, you will want to avoid doing anything lying flat on your back. When you are flat on your back during your second and third trimester, your baby is put in a position to literally crush all of your internal organs which doesn't feel very good and isn't safe. If you are comfortable on a stability ball, you can continue to do crunches while lying on the ball. Just make sure to keep your chest higher than your hips throughout the exercise. Another great core exercise is the side plank which uses the muscles of your internal and external obliques (your waist). It is crucial to continue to work the muscles of your core throughout your pregnancy because it is these very muscles that are going to do the job of pushing out your baby!

Friday, October 2, 2009

Could soda be making me infertile?

Could my Diet Coke habit be to blame for the difficulty I am having getting pregnant?

Yes!!! As a Nutritionist, I advise all of my clients who are either already pregnant or who are having difficulty getting pregnant to break their soda addiction.

Most carbonated soft drinks contain both sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid. When sodium benzoate and ascorbic acid come together, they make benzene. Benzene is classified as a class A carcinogen by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). One of the side effects of excessive exposure to benzene is infertility.

If you are trying to get pregnant and are having trouble, ditch the soda. Embrace Perrier or herbal tea! Your body will thank you and so will your dentist. The pH of soda is similar to battery acid. It does wonders to the enamel of your pearly whites! If you’ve spend a small fortune an getting a Hollywood white smile, you are throwing it all away every time you sip on a soda. Soda will not only discolor your teeth, it also eats away at your enamel making you more susceptible to tooth decay and gum disease. So, Hot Mamas, let vanity, your health, and your future baby be your guide and put soda on your “so last season” list.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

squeezing exercise in when you have a baby

O.K. Hot mamas so you're ready to get back to your exercise routine, you are motivated, your doctor has cleared you, and wait.... Who is going to take care of the baby while you go to the gym? If you find yourself nanny-less and grandma isn't an option, here are some options:

1. Invest in a quality baby jogger. This really isn't something that you should buy from e-bay or craig's list. You need to try out the baby jogger that you are going to log miles and hours with. It should feel comfortable to you and you shouldn't feel like you have to lean over to reach the stroller's handles. This will only lead to an achy back. Running and or a combination of running and walking with your baby jogger is quite a workout! It is much harder than running or walking on a treadmill, meaning you will torch calories while doing it! Besides, babies love to be pushed. It often helps them fall asleep.

2. Invest in a treadmill or elliptical trainer for home use. In my experience, the only way to avoid having your treadmill become a clothes hangar is to strategicly place it in front of the televsion. Allow yourself to indulge in watching your favorite movie, soap opera, trashy series, mtv, etc. ONLY while on your treadmill. Somehow watching the news doesn't seem to make time pass quite as quickly!

3. Try exercise videos that you can do at home. If you are on a budget, you can go to your public library and rent them. You can also get a new one every few days from Netflix.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Is swine flu vaccine safe for pregnant women?

The Center for Disease Control is recommending that all pregnant women get the swine flu vaccine. Well, Hot Mamas, before you sign up for this vaccine, let me tell you a few things that have me up in arms about this recommendation.

1. Ten years ago, roughly 2% of women aged 18-49 had detectible levels of Mercury in their blood. Today that number has jumped to 30%.

(This was confirmed by a recent study from UCLA.)

2. In roughly the same ten years, the rate of autism has sky rocketed. The probability that a child will be born with autism is now about 1 in 129. Ten years ago the chance of a child being born with autism was 1 in 100,000. The rate of autism continues to climb.

3. While no one knows for sure what the cause of autism is, most scientists agree that it is a combination of genetic and environmental factors. One of those environmental factors is the exposure to mercury. Most holistic health care providers firmly believe that there is a definite link between toxic levels of mercury in a pregnant woman’s body and having an autistic child. (This is the main reason pregnant women are cautioned to stay away from fish with high levels of mercury such as shark, swordfish, tile fish, and king mackerel).

4. This is the scary part…. The swine flu vaccine is going to have thimerosol in it. Thimerosol is a mercury containing preservative still used in some shots!!!!!! Thimerosol used to be the preservative that was used in many of the shots that were given to young children. After controversial research linked mercury exposure from these shots to the onset of autism, the thimerosol was removed from most childhood vaccines.

If a pregnant woman gets the flu, the symptoms are usually more severe and potentially more dangerous. I am not recommending that you get the Swine Flu Vaccine or that you don’t get the Swine Flu Vaccine. Every Hot Mama must decide what she thinks is best for her Hot body! It is my belief that knowledge is power. I am merely passionate about helping all the Hot Mamas across the world claim their power and be able to make informed decisions about their bodies and their health.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Don't Eat for Two while Pregnant

When many women first find out they are pregnant, they think that they now have to eat for two. This is not true!!! During the first trimester of pregnancy, your body only requires an extra 100 calories/per day. That means you can choose between one extra apple or one cup of nonfat plain yogurt or ½ of a small whole grain bagel per day---- that’s it. If you are eating more than an extra 100 calories a day during the first three months of your pregnancy, the extra calories will be stored as fat. This extra fat just means more time between you and your skinny hot mama jeans once your baby is born. During your second and third trimesters, you need about 300 extra calories a day. An extra 300 calories translates into three extra pieces of large fruit a day or a cup of whole grain cereal, a few berries, and ½ a cup of milk. You should gain about one pound a month during your first trimester and then one pound a week during your second and third trimesters. (This does not apply if you are pregnant with twins, however.) Pregnancy is a time to nourish your body with healthy nutrient foods, not an excuse to go hog wild!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Is Brazilian Hair Straightening safe while Pregnant

Is It Safe to do the Brazilian Keratin Treatment while Pregnant?

If you have unruly, curly hair of if you live in a ridiculously humid city like Miami, the Brazilian Keratin Treatment will seem like it has come from heaven itself. Your hair will be silky smooth for up to three months and will cut your styling time in half. How awesome is that?

Well, if you’re pregnant or worried about exposing your head to carcinogenic chemicals, it’s not so awesome after all. Here’s the ugly truth… Formaldehyde is used to open your hair’s cuticle to deposit the Keratin. Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen (i.e. it causes cancer). While not enough research has been done to confirm whether formaldehyde crosses the placenta and causes birth defects, I wouldn’t chance it.

What’s a Hot Mama to do if she wants her hair silky straight while pregnant or while breast- feeding? Either have your hairdresser use a version of the Keratin Treatment that is Formaldehyde Free (Yes, it does exist), invest in a really good flat iron, or make peace with your curls while you are pregnant. Pin straight hair is out this season anyhow. Soft waves are in! You can also set your hair using hot rollers for the soft wavy look. This will take out a lot of the frizz and does not take very much time or skill. Remember, straight hair, curly hair, wave hair, being “HOT” comes in all hair textures! If you’ve had straight hair for a while, mix it up while your pregnant. Your man will feel like he is with a new and different woman which might just add a little more sizzle….

Note: If you are using a keratin treatment that is formaldehyde free it should not have a noxious smell and should not make your eyes burn at all. Also, if you are pregnant, it is not advisable to visit a salon that uses the formaldehyde version because you will still be exposed.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Best Breakfast Before, During, and After Pregnancy

Help! I’m pregnant! What do I eat for breakfast that won’t make me nauseous, is quick to make, won’t pack on pounds, and will give me energy to keep going all morning? In my practice as a nutritionist, this is a common question for my Hot Mamas- To Be. My recipe for Protein Oatmeal has always been my answer. It has a balance of fiber, good carbohydrates, brain healthy fat, and quality protein. This makes it the perfect breakfast in my book! The balance of carbs/protein/fat will keep you satisfied all morning long. This recipe makes two servings, but you can double or triple it and keep it in the fridge for those mornings where you are pressed for time.

Protein Oatmeal (Apples and Cinnamon)

2/3 cups slow cooking oatmeal

¾ cups water

2 scoops vanilla whey protein powder

2 medium apples cored and diced

2 tbl. Cinnamon powder

1-cup vanilla soy, coconut, or almond milk

2 tsp. ground flaxseeds

1-tablespoon natural cane sugar or stevia

1tsp. sea salt (optional)

Bring water and soy milk to a boil, add oats, sea salt, and apples and stir. Bring to a boil again, reduce heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. Remove from heat and add cinnamon, flaxseeds and protein powder, and cane sugar. Stir and divide into two servings. (Approx. 300 cals)

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Necessary Vitamins and Minerals While Pregnant

You may have been living on Diet Coke and Starbucks Lattes in the past, but now your baby is depending on you to take in key vitamins and minerals to prevent birth defects, ensure proper brain development, and to just make sure that your little one gets everything he or she needs to be a healthy, happy baby! Not getting enough of certain minerals can also wreak havoc on your own good looks and raise your potential for stretch marks, lifeless hair, and blemished skin. Yikes! To make this process a little less daunting, I’ve made a list of key vitamins and minerals, how much you need while pregnant, and where you can get them. Either add this list to your grocery list or check your multi-vitamin to make sure that you are getting everything you both need.

Vitamins and Minerals For Hot Mamas

Folic Acid- 600 mcgs/daily

Fortified breakfast cereals


Pinto beans

Asparagus spinach

Wheat germ

Orange Juice

Iron- 30mgs./daily

Fortified breakfast cereals

Lean red meat

Dark meat of poultry

1 egg

Boiled soybeans (edamame)

Zinc- 25mgs/daily

Lean red meat

Whole grains



Sunflower seeds

Pumpkin seeds

Calcium- 1,000-1,300 mgs/daily

Nonfat or low fat dairy products




Vitamin C – 500mgs/daily

Red peppers

Green peppers






Baked potato with skin

Vitamin A- try to get from food, supplements can be toxic, high doses can cause birth defects

Sweet potato with skin


Collard greens

Dark green lettuce

Egg with yolk

Fortified cereal such as cheerios