Thursday, October 15, 2009

Weight loss recipies, salmon cakes

Yesterday I wrote about the importance of pregnant and nursing Hot Mamas to get enough DHA. Today, I have a delicious recipe for Salmon Cakes that are easy to make, delicious, rich in DHA omega 3, and won't pack on any extra pounds. In fact, if you are a Hot Mama trying to lose a little baby fat, this is a great low-calorie, nutrient dense meal for you also.

Sweet Potato Salmon Cakes

8 oz. canned salmon (preferably wild) (can be bought at cosco and whole foods)

2 medium sweet potatoes (peeled and steamed for 30 minutes) Mash when done

1 medium onion and 2 cloves of garlic sauté in 1 tbl. Olive Oil

¼ cup whole wheat bread crumbs (Whole Foods)

3 egg whites

½ cup fresh dill

salt and pepper to taste

Combine all ingredients. Form salmon cakes into flat patties, approximately 3 inches in diameter. Cook in a non-stick pan until golden brown.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

DHA may be the most important nutrient for brain growth and development during pregnancy and lactation. It is from Omega-3 fat and is found mostly in fish. Getting enough DHA can be a challenge while pregnant because our fish supply has become contaminated with mercury. Pregnant women are only advised to eat 2 6oz. servings of fish a week. Salmon and sardines are especially high in DHA and are not on the “avoid” list of high mercury containing fish. Fish to avoid completely during pregnancy include Shark, Tilefish, Swordfish, and King Mackerel. How is a Hot Mama to get enough DHA? Take a supplement, plain and simple. Most pre-natal vitamins do not have DHA added, so you must get thee to a vitamin shop and start taking DHA in supplement form. Eating flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, although high in omega-3, is not a sufficient source of DHA. Your body has to convert the omega- 3 fatty acid from flaxseed into DHA and this conversion isn’t very efficient.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How soon after delivery can you do ab exercises

How soon after delivery can I do ab exercises?

If you had a C-section, your abdominal muscles were cut and need ample time to heal. This usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. Your doctor will let you know when you are ready to begin working your abs at your follow-up appointment. If you had a vaginal delivery, you should wait 4 to 8 weeks depending on the individual. About eighty percent of women who have delivered a baby have a gap in the abdominal muscles from pregnancy and delivery. It takes several weeks for this gap to close and beginning a strenuous abdominal exercise program too soon can cause damage to the tissue of your midsection. Hot Mamas, don’t fret! The flat abs of your dreams can be yours soon enough. A little patience goes a long way. Beginning to crunch your way silly when your ab muscles haven’t had adequate time to heal will only set you back further. Begin a walking program as soon as your doctor says it is safe, eat healthfully and mindfully, stay clear of the junk that goes right to the trunk, and hold on to your patience. Flat, toned abs of days past are in your future! Stay tuned as I outline the most effective ab exercises once you’ve crossed that 8 week mark…

Monday, October 12, 2009

Best Exercise Postpartum

So you’ve just given birth and you want to start working that baby fat off but you know that hitting the gym full force is probably not such a wise idea, what should a Hot Mama do first? Walk!!! Even if you have had a C-section, light walking is a safe, effective, budget friendly way to relieve stress, burn extra calories, and embark on your post-baby fitness program. Walking at an easy pace promotes healing and helps prevent complications from a C-section such as blood clots. The key to a beginning a walking program is to not over do it, especially if you had a difficult birth or a C-section. If you had a C-section, your doctor will want you to wait 6-8 weeks before beginning a more vigorous exercise program. If you had a vaginal delivery and you are feeling up to it, you can begin a walking program within a week of delivery and can gradually ramp up the intensity as you feel up to it. Joints and ligaments remain loose for 3-5 months after delivery. This puts Postpartum Hot Mamas at a greater risk for injury, which is why it’s even more important to slowly ramp up to a more vigorous exercise program one-baby step at a time. If you are feeling good, each week you can either increase the intensity of your workouts or the duration. Try not to increase both intensity and duration at the same time. Hot Mamas find your walking shoes and get out there and burn that baby fat off! Your hot pants await….

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Alternatives to Hydroquinone while pregnant

Alternatives to Hydroquinone while pregnant or breast-feeding

The safety of Hydroquinone is questionable for the average Babe looking to get rid of discoloration from too much time at the beach. And for a pregnant or nursing Hot Mama, stay clear! Hydroquinone is classified as Category C for pregnancy by the FDA meaning that it’s use may cause harm to the fetus in the form of malformations. The company who manufactures the drug does not recommend its use for pregnant or lactating women. Hydroquinone is used in many topical creams to correct or reduce hyper-pigmentation and brown spots on the face. Obaji, Guinot, DDF, Reviva, and many other popular brands of face cream offer skin lightening creams with Hydroquinone as one of it’s ingredients. If you are pregnant or nursing, check your bathroom cabinets pronto! Read the ingredient list of any product that is used for lightening the skin and check for Hydroquinone.

Unfortunately, hyper-pigmentation is even more common in pregnant hotties and can take the form of melasma or “pregnancy mask”. Never fret, Hot Mamas, I have composed a list of safe and effective alternatives to Hydroquinone.

First, use sun block with an SPF of at least 30! Daily application of sun block will prevent both pre-mature aging (a curse word!) and lower the odds developing melasma.

Second, look for products containing Kojic Acid or Azelaic Acid. Both of these substances are effective, safe, and more natural. Two products that I recommend to my Hot Mamas are DDF Intensive Holistic Lightener and Donnel Super Skin Lightening Gel. Both of these products contain Kojic Acid and Azelic Acid and are Hydorquinone free.

Third, apply a topical vitamin C product which helps suppress pigment. Skinceuticals Phytocorrective Gel is a good choice.

As a last resort, once you have your baby and are finished nursing, have a dermatologist do a chemical peel. It will take that melasma or other brown spots right off!