Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

Mothers of Smart Babies Take DHA

DHA may be the most important nutrient for brain growth and development during pregnancy and lactation. It is from Omega-3 fat and is found mostly in fish. Getting enough DHA can be a challenge while pregnant because our fish supply has become contaminated with mercury. Pregnant women are only advised to eat 2 6oz. servings of fish a week. Salmon and sardines are especially high in DHA and are not on the “avoid” list of high mercury containing fish. Fish to avoid completely during pregnancy include Shark, Tilefish, Swordfish, and King Mackerel. How is a Hot Mama to get enough DHA? Take a supplement, plain and simple. Most pre-natal vitamins do not have DHA added, so you must get thee to a vitamin shop and start taking DHA in supplement form. Eating flaxseeds or flaxseed oil, although high in omega-3, is not a sufficient source of DHA. Your body has to convert the omega- 3 fatty acid from flaxseed into DHA and this conversion isn’t very efficient.

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