Tuesday, October 13, 2009

How soon after delivery can you do ab exercises

How soon after delivery can I do ab exercises?

If you had a C-section, your abdominal muscles were cut and need ample time to heal. This usually takes 6 to 8 weeks. Your doctor will let you know when you are ready to begin working your abs at your follow-up appointment. If you had a vaginal delivery, you should wait 4 to 8 weeks depending on the individual. About eighty percent of women who have delivered a baby have a gap in the abdominal muscles from pregnancy and delivery. It takes several weeks for this gap to close and beginning a strenuous abdominal exercise program too soon can cause damage to the tissue of your midsection. Hot Mamas, don’t fret! The flat abs of your dreams can be yours soon enough. A little patience goes a long way. Beginning to crunch your way silly when your ab muscles haven’t had adequate time to heal will only set you back further. Begin a walking program as soon as your doctor says it is safe, eat healthfully and mindfully, stay clear of the junk that goes right to the trunk, and hold on to your patience. Flat, toned abs of days past are in your future! Stay tuned as I outline the most effective ab exercises once you’ve crossed that 8 week mark…

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