Friday, October 23, 2009

Lactose Intolerance and Pregnancy

Lactose Intolerance and Pregnancy

Hot Mamas who are lactose intolerant have a particularly difficult time getting the recommended 1,000-1,200 mg. of calcium a day. Why worry about getting enough calcium? Have you ever observed a woman who is hunched over with bad teeth? Not very Hot, indeed. Adequate calcium intake is imperative for healthy teeth and bones. If the body isn’t getting enough calcium, it takes pulls it from the bones. Bone loss leads to osteoporosis and a predisposition towards chipping and breaking teeth. The likelihood of this scenario is even greater in pregnant and nursing women. As your baby is growing both in and out of the womb, his or her teeth and bones are developing. If you are not getting enough calcium, your body will take it from your bones to adequately nourish your baby. Since dairy products provide the greatest source of calcium, getting enough is particularly challenging for those who are lactose intolerant. Never fear, follow this list and you will be walking tall with all of your teeth intact way into Hot Mama maturity.

1. Take a calcium supplement that also contains magnesium and vitamin D, which aid absorption. Calcium citrate is more easily absorbed and is well tolerated by those whose tummies may become irritated by calcium supplements. As the body can only absorb about 600mgs of calcium at one time, split your dose between breakfast and dinner. One brand that I particularly like is Blue Bonnet. It comes in liquid form, which is better absorbed and tastes great!

2. Make sure you are getting adequate vitamin D. Spending 20 minutes a day in direct sunlight without sun protection is a good way to get your vitamin D. Egg yolks and salmon are also good sources.

3. Eat calcium rich foods such as canned salmon or sardines with bones, sesame seeds, almonds, and green leafy vegetables such as collards, kale, and broccoli.

4. Eat dairy alternatives such as fortified coconut milk, almond cheese, and coconut based yogurt. These products can be found at your local health food store, Whole Foods, and Trader Joes. (Avoid soy products.)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Soy and Infertility

Most Hot Mamas who are trying to eat healthfully have experimented with soy whether eating a boca burger for lunch or ordering a soy latte at Starbucks. If you have been eating a lot of soy derrived foods such as soy milk, soy burgers, soy cheese, soy protein bars and shakes, and soy ice cream and are having touble conceiving, ditching the soy may be helpful. Studies have shown that the phytoestrogens in soy may cause inferitlity in both men and women. For women, the excess estrogen like compounds from soy may interfere with our hormones and make us less likely to conceive. Studies have also shown that soy products lower testosterone levels in men, leading to temporary infertility as well. Once men get off of soy products, their testosterone levels go back to normal within a week.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Avoid soy during pregnancy

Avoid Soy during Pregnancy

The soy that we are consuming is not the same soy that is consumed in Asia. Many of the studies done on the health benefits of soy have been in comparing a traditional Japanese diet to a typical American diet. The Japanese consume a large quantity of soy products and they have a lower incidence of prostate cancer, heart disease, and fewer menopausal symptoms. The majority of the soy that Asians are consuming is in the form of fermented soy such as tofu, tempeh, and miso. Unlike most soy grown in the United States, Asian soy is not genetically modified either.

Studies have shown that the phytoestrogens present in soy can have hormonal influences that can have negative health consequences on infants. Hot Mamas who are trying to make healthy choices for themselves and their babies, should avoid eating too much soy especially in the more processed forms such as soy milk, soy protein bars, soy protein shakes, and low-carb breads and pastas (soy is often added to these products to lower the carb count). If you are a Hot Vegetarian Mama and soy is a staple in your diet, try to consume organic (not genetically modified) and fermented soy products such as tofu and tempeh. Another vegetarian “meat” alternative is seitan. Seitan is made from the protein of wheat. It is a low carb, high protein alternative to wheat. Seitan can be used as a meat substitute in stir-fry, can be barbequed, and can be eaten as a burger. Seitan is not appropriate for those who have celiac disease are who are allergic or sensitive to wheat.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Is feverfew safe while pregnant

Hot Mamas, beware! In researching the safety of Botox and pregnancy (not recommended), I have come across many sites (and doctors) that are recommending the use of feverfew as a safe alternative for the prevention of migraines. This is false information! I have done extensive research on the safety and effectiveness of herbs because I frequently use them in my practice as a Nutritionist. Feverfew is not recommended for pregnant or nursing women. Feverfew can cause uterine contractions which increase one's risk for miscarriage or early labor. The safety of feverfew for breastfeeding women is unknown so it is best avoided.

Is botox safe while pregnant

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, most doctors recommend staying clear of Botox injections. To date, there isn't conclusive evidence that Botox crosses the placenta and harms a developing fetus. However, tests done on rats and rabbits have linked high levels of injectible botox to birth defects especially if administered during the first trimester when birth defects are more likely to occur. For Hot Mamas who are worried about keeping their frown lines invisible while pregnant, mother nature will take care of that for you. One of the natural beauty benefits of pregnancy is a wrinkle free face. Although excess fluid retention may have a Hot Mama a bit exasperated while trying to fit into pre-pregnancy jeans, this extra fluid will do wonders for one's face. My advice, save the extra money that you would have spent for Botox during the next year and treat yourself to a pore-cleaning facial instead. Your skin will have that clean, glowing look for weeks afterwards. Also, put yourself on a frowning diet for the next nine months. If we could just ban frowing from our faces forever, the need for Botox would be obsolete! Hot Mamas, go out there and smile your way to a more beautiful face, more spending money, and maybe even cheerier moods!