Monday, October 19, 2009

Is botox safe while pregnant

If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, most doctors recommend staying clear of Botox injections. To date, there isn't conclusive evidence that Botox crosses the placenta and harms a developing fetus. However, tests done on rats and rabbits have linked high levels of injectible botox to birth defects especially if administered during the first trimester when birth defects are more likely to occur. For Hot Mamas who are worried about keeping their frown lines invisible while pregnant, mother nature will take care of that for you. One of the natural beauty benefits of pregnancy is a wrinkle free face. Although excess fluid retention may have a Hot Mama a bit exasperated while trying to fit into pre-pregnancy jeans, this extra fluid will do wonders for one's face. My advice, save the extra money that you would have spent for Botox during the next year and treat yourself to a pore-cleaning facial instead. Your skin will have that clean, glowing look for weeks afterwards. Also, put yourself on a frowning diet for the next nine months. If we could just ban frowing from our faces forever, the need for Botox would be obsolete! Hot Mamas, go out there and smile your way to a more beautiful face, more spending money, and maybe even cheerier moods!

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