Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lose weight with shakes post baby

Trying to lose those last few pounds post baby? No time to eat breakfast? Making a nutritious, low calorie shake may be the answer. Foods that contain liquid such as shakes and soup are very weight loss friendly. These types of foods are very filling. Studies have shown that the sense of satiety isn't the same unless the liquid is actually part of the food. Eating a turkey sandwich and drinking a large glass of water is not as filling as having a large bowl of veggie turkey soup. The veggie turkey soup actually has less calories!

A shake can be a great breakfast on the run, a snack, or even a meal replacement for a busy new mother. Oftentimes the act of feeding your baby gets in the way of taking the time to feed yourself! All shakes are not created equal, however. I recommend making your shakes yourself instead of visiting a smoothie shop. Many of the shakes at smoothie shops are just dessert in a cup and can contain up to 1200 calories.

Here is my favorite low-calorie, anti-oxidant and protein rich shake:

1 cup original flavor Almond Milk (40-60 calories)
1 cup mixed berries
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (should be about 100 calories)
1 tbsp stevia or truvia for extra sweetness (splenda can be used instead, but I prefer stevia)

This whole shake has about 230 calories and should keep you full for several hours!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Best iphone app for weight loss post baby

As a nutritionist, I often hear complaints of, "I think I am doing everything right and I still can't lose weight!" In this instance, the first thing I tell my clients to do is to keep a food journal. The act of writing down everything that is passing your lips completely eliminates unconscious eating.I have found that even if a client is given a specific diet plan, most find themselves "grazing" on other food and not even remembering that they did so. For a Hot Mama with a new baby, the act of keeping a food journal can be more than challenging in her hectic, sleep deprived schedule. If you are a Hot Mama with an iphone, the ap "Lose It" is just the solution. This ap logs your food intake and daily exercise. It creates a calorie plan based on your age, gender, height, and the amount of weight that you want to lose each week. It even tracks your weight loss progess and diplays your nutrient intake for the day. Better yet, this app is free! Note: If you are breastfeeding, you will want to adjust your calories up 500 per day and only aim for a loss of one pound per week. Adequate calorie and nutrient intake is crucial for nourishing your baby and maintaining your ability to produce milk.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Sleep and post pregnancy weight loss

Exercising and eating healthy and still can't lose that last ten baby weight pounds? Not getting enough zzz's may be the culprit. Numerous studies have shown that women who sleep five hours or less a night weigh more than women who get at least seven hours of sleep. These studies take into account exercise and calorie intake; both being equal in each group. Lack of sleep may decrease metabolic rate (the amount of calories burned at rest) and increases cortisol levels. Elevated cortisol levels have been linked to weight gain (especially around the middle). Getting enought sleep can be particularly challenging for a new mother, but it may be an easier and less expensive solution than hiring a personal trainer, buying the next clothes a size, or losing your mind as your weight loss attempts just seem futile! Here are some tips for my Hot Mamas in need of a decent night's rest:

1. Enlist the help of Daddy. You spent nine months of pregnancy without the comforts of a glass of wine, your favorite sushi, and being able to take a gosh darn aspirin when you had a headache, not to mention the "YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME!" experience of delivery so that you both can have a beautiful, healthy baby. It's time for Daddy to step up. If your baby is waking up in three hour intervals, let Daddy take one shift a night.

2. Avoid caffeine after noon, no matter how tired you are. Grit it out and go to sleep earlier.

3. Make sure you are sleeping in a very dark room without any flashing lights such as computer screens, televisions, or flashing phones or clocks. Light inhibits the release of melatonin, which is the hormone that helps you fall asleep. Watching television or surfing the net before bed is a no no.

4. If you can afford it, hire a night nurse for a few nights a week.

5. As tired as you may feel, try to keep up some type of exercise program. Exercise is a great sleep aid.

6. Take naps. A great time to catch up on sleep is when your baby is sleeping.