Monday, October 26, 2009

Best iphone app for weight loss post baby

As a nutritionist, I often hear complaints of, "I think I am doing everything right and I still can't lose weight!" In this instance, the first thing I tell my clients to do is to keep a food journal. The act of writing down everything that is passing your lips completely eliminates unconscious eating.I have found that even if a client is given a specific diet plan, most find themselves "grazing" on other food and not even remembering that they did so. For a Hot Mama with a new baby, the act of keeping a food journal can be more than challenging in her hectic, sleep deprived schedule. If you are a Hot Mama with an iphone, the ap "Lose It" is just the solution. This ap logs your food intake and daily exercise. It creates a calorie plan based on your age, gender, height, and the amount of weight that you want to lose each week. It even tracks your weight loss progess and diplays your nutrient intake for the day. Better yet, this app is free! Note: If you are breastfeeding, you will want to adjust your calories up 500 per day and only aim for a loss of one pound per week. Adequate calorie and nutrient intake is crucial for nourishing your baby and maintaining your ability to produce milk.

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