Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Lose weight with shakes post baby

Trying to lose those last few pounds post baby? No time to eat breakfast? Making a nutritious, low calorie shake may be the answer. Foods that contain liquid such as shakes and soup are very weight loss friendly. These types of foods are very filling. Studies have shown that the sense of satiety isn't the same unless the liquid is actually part of the food. Eating a turkey sandwich and drinking a large glass of water is not as filling as having a large bowl of veggie turkey soup. The veggie turkey soup actually has less calories!

A shake can be a great breakfast on the run, a snack, or even a meal replacement for a busy new mother. Oftentimes the act of feeding your baby gets in the way of taking the time to feed yourself! All shakes are not created equal, however. I recommend making your shakes yourself instead of visiting a smoothie shop. Many of the shakes at smoothie shops are just dessert in a cup and can contain up to 1200 calories.

Here is my favorite low-calorie, anti-oxidant and protein rich shake:

1 cup original flavor Almond Milk (40-60 calories)
1 cup mixed berries
1 scoop vanilla whey protein (should be about 100 calories)
1 tbsp stevia or truvia for extra sweetness (splenda can be used instead, but I prefer stevia)

This whole shake has about 230 calories and should keep you full for several hours!

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