Monday, October 12, 2009

Best Exercise Postpartum

So you’ve just given birth and you want to start working that baby fat off but you know that hitting the gym full force is probably not such a wise idea, what should a Hot Mama do first? Walk!!! Even if you have had a C-section, light walking is a safe, effective, budget friendly way to relieve stress, burn extra calories, and embark on your post-baby fitness program. Walking at an easy pace promotes healing and helps prevent complications from a C-section such as blood clots. The key to a beginning a walking program is to not over do it, especially if you had a difficult birth or a C-section. If you had a C-section, your doctor will want you to wait 6-8 weeks before beginning a more vigorous exercise program. If you had a vaginal delivery and you are feeling up to it, you can begin a walking program within a week of delivery and can gradually ramp up the intensity as you feel up to it. Joints and ligaments remain loose for 3-5 months after delivery. This puts Postpartum Hot Mamas at a greater risk for injury, which is why it’s even more important to slowly ramp up to a more vigorous exercise program one-baby step at a time. If you are feeling good, each week you can either increase the intensity of your workouts or the duration. Try not to increase both intensity and duration at the same time. Hot Mamas find your walking shoes and get out there and burn that baby fat off! Your hot pants await….

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